High School Ministry

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“Yours is the gigantic task of overcoming all evil with good, always trying amidst the problems of life to place your trust in God, knowing that his grace supplies strength to human weakness. You must oppose every form of hatred with the invincible power of Christ’s love.”  -Pope St John Paul II


The Middle School and High School Youth Groups invite parishioners grades 6 – 8 and 9 – 12, respectively, to live life to the full and give all to Christ.

It our goal to work alongside the families of Sacred Heart to help our teenagers keep the Faith, learn to live it more deeply, and grow into adult members of the Catholic Church. Now, more than ever, these young people need to meet Christ intimately, to know His promises bring true freedom and are worth defending, no matter the cost.

Sign up on Remind for more information about Sacred Heart Youth Group Events. Remind allows you to receive in app communications or, if you prefer, will send you text messages and/or emails.

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