Mass & Confession

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Many people feel profoundly concerned, sad, and anxious following the motu proprio issued this morning in Rome regarding the Traditional Latin Mass. While it is our hope that the document will change nothing here at Sacred Heart, we are awaiting the Bishop’s directions.  That said, the Bishop’s Office has informed us that we may proceed as normal with our regular schedule of Masses. Please pray for the Church and the Bishop at this time.

For information on the Covid-19 directives issued by Bishop Walkowiak, please visit COVID-19.

We welcome you to celebrate Mass at Sacred Heart.

Scroll down for special Masses and Holy Day schedule.

When you hear Mt 6:1-6, 16-18, the Gospel of Ash Wednesday perhaps you have thought there was a contradiction with our practice of placing a visible cross of ashes on your forhead for the world to see.  “When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to be fasting.” In fact, in many countries ashes are applied not to the forehead but by sprinkling ashes on the crown of your head.  This year because of the COVID pandemic the Vatican has encouraged and the bishop has asked that we follow this ancient practice.  If you would like to receive ashes this year please kneel at the altar rail and the minister will sprinkle ashes on your head.  No one will know you are fasting, but that may be a good thing!

Sunday Worship Leaflets containing each Sunday’s propers and music are available on the two tables in front of the main holy water fonts in the back of the church. We invite you to take one as they encourage participation in the Mass. For those at the 5PM and 8AM Masses, please return them to the tables afterwards. If you are attending Latin Mass, a limited number of red booklets are available with English translation.

You may be new or visiting and are wondering where the collection baskets are! Instead of “passing the basket” during the offertory hymn, Sacred Heart has baskets at the back of church that you can put an envelope in which are collected after each Mass. Alternatively, you are welcome to give a one time or recurring donation via Faith Direct. You needn’t be a parishioner to give online. If coins are at a premium in your household, as they are for many, an even better way to give to the church is through your time. Even big and busy families are able to give – bring the kids with you! Little hands are welcome and can have a big impact. Contact the parish office if you want to volunteer your time or talents!

If you are interested in serving in Mass, see Liturgical Ministries.

Weekend Mass Schedule


7:45 am 

5:00 pm
 (Vigil of Sunday)


7:45 am Mass in English

9:30 am Mass in English

11:30 am Mass in Latin

Weekday Mass Schedule

Weekdays (Monday-Friday)

8:00 am

Holy Days

On Holy Days of Obligation the Mass Schedule is generally:

  • 7:45am (Saturday, Sunday)
  • 8:00am (Monday -Friday)
  • 5:30 pm English
  • 7:00 pm Latin

In Holy Days observed only in the Traditional calendar or transferred to Sunday in the New Mass, a Latin Mass is added in the evening at 7:00 pm.

See bulletin for more details.

Ember Days

As a way to more deeply enter into the traditional liturgical calendar, at the request of some members of the parish, we will begin observing Ember Saturdays this year. “On Ember Days the Church is accustomed to entreat the Lord for the various needs of humanity, especially for the fruits of the earth and for human labor, and to give thanks to him publicly.” The word “ember” comes from the Latin phrase, Quator Tempora, meaning four times. Near the beginning of each season of the solar cycle, four times a year, the Church sets aside three days (twelve yearly) to ask for blessings upon mankind and to pray in gratitude for the blessings of nature. Traditionally, the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday observance of Ember days was marked by a strict fast and added prayer. These Masses are unique from the average daily Mass because they include a selection of readings from the Old Testament similar to the Easter and Pentecost Vigils. Mass will be sung at 7:45am and will likely go a little longer than a normal Saturday Mass. We hope you consider joining us for this devotion and taking up the traditional practice of fasting and praying on these days.


Low-Gluten Hosts Available: If you have a health condition that requires you to receive a low-gluten host, please go to the side of the church with the statue of Our Lady before everyone else begins coming up for Communion. Thank you.


See the Holy Day Mass Schedule on this page to find additional confession times. 

Guidance for a good confession.


When a priest is available.


3:00 pm – 4:00 pm


3:00 pm-4:30 pm


You may also call the parish office to schedule an appointment for confession.

Eucharistic Adoration

Tuesdays (when school is in session)

9:30 am-3:oo pm

Friday Holy Hour (all year)

3:00 pm-4:00 pm

Spend an hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Holy Communion

At Sacred Heart we have the privilege to use the altar rail for the reception of Holy Communion. When approaching the rail please take the first spot available along the rail and try to fill every spot, including the middle spots in front of the gate. There is no need to wait if there is an open spot. When receiving, please tilt your head slightly back and open your mouth wide to receive the Lord. Please remain in your spot until you have consumed the Blessed Sacrament, there is no rush to return to your pew. St. Paul warns us not to receive unworthily. If you find yourself unready to receive, make an indication and the priest will inconspicuously bypass you. Remember, it is a pious tradition to offer your reception of communion for some intention. Remember to pray for our parish.