Ushers Needed

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Ushers Needed

Ushers are needed, especially for the 9:30am Mass! This is a great opportunity to serve God and the parish community. A nice option for families to contribute to the parish. Arrive early for the best seat in the house and help hand out programs before Mass and bulletins after Mass. You can sit with your family during Mass and then do a quick pick-up of extra programs afterwards. Children love to help and this gives them a feeling of importance and responsibility. It also helps draw you closer to parishioners. We are a close-knit group and fill in for each other as needed. Please contact Stanley Sedore at with questions or to volunteer.

12 hours ago

Sacred Heart of Jesus
More than 100 years ago, the parishioners of Sacred Heart Church scrimped and saved to buy four bells in the north tower -- including the largest church bell in Grand Rapids. The parish is now raising money to keep the historic bells ringing. Here's the story. ... See MoreSee Less
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