This is a multi-generational women’s study group open to all women of the parish, academy, or their contacts. This group is offered once each semester, beginning in September and again in January. Each semester runs about ten weeks. Topics range from digging deeper into Holy Mother Church, Catholic sacraments, prayer, societal changes and demands, authentic femininity, and the role women play in the world.
A sampling of books studied in past semesters include: Courageous Love by Stacy Mitch, Living the Drama of Faith by Romano Guardini,Live Well, Die Holy by St. Robert Bellarmine, Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom by Ryan Anderson, Fatima for Today by Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Happy Are You Poor by Thomas Dubay.
Moderator of the group: Mary Jo Thayer, M. A. Contact:
Mary Jo is a former moral theology teacher and a current public speaker, whose specialty is John Paul II’s The Theology of the Body.
Please consider joining the SHoJ Women’s Study Group, beginning on Thursday, January 17, 2019. We will meet at the home of Teresa Palasek, 1421 8th Street NW, GR 49504 in the Ridgewood neighborhood, just 1.5 miles from Sacred Heart. Please note this is a new location. We will be reading Elizabeth Scalia’s Little Sins Mean a Lot: Kicking Our Bad Habits before They Kick Us. This is the perfect book for Lenten preparation! Please call, text, or email Teresa to sign up and reserve your spot in this dynamic, multi-generational group! 616-450-7794 or We would love to have you join us!