Stay Connected


“Today I will reach up as high as I can. And God will reach down the rest of the way.”  – Saint Padre Pio

The following links will keep you up-to-date with the latest announcements, events, and happenings in our Sacred Heart Community!

This is the best way to make sure you don’t miss anything!

  • Subscribe to the Parish E-mail List

    Important notices about the parish that need to be sent in a timely manner are sent via email such as church closings, short-notice events, or reminders for bigger events. We try not to send more than 2 to 3 emails per month.

  • Link to Bulletin

Most events and announcements are posted here in our weekly bulletins, however on occasion the events don’t make it in the bulletin. Checking the Calendar page on the website and Facebook regularly are great ways to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Sign up for MyParish App and select Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish as you home church. You will find quick and easy links to our bulletins, homilies, lates news blog and more. The best part is that you will receive important notices about our parish, such as when the campus might be closed due to weather or power outages, reminders of holy day Mass time changes and other event & safety notices pertinent to our community.

If you are on Facebook at all, make healthy choices! Find out what is happening in and around Sacred Heart parish and school, review posts from Father Sirico and Father Ron, and connect with other parish members in the comments.

Our academy is a parish apostolate and you are welcome to join the Sacred Heart Academy Facebook page to check out the Truth, Goodness and Beauty that is happening