Adult Faith Formation: “The Mystery of the Mass” begins

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Adult Faith Formation: “The Mystery of the Mass” begins

This 10 week study of the Mystery, Signs and Symbols of Holy Mass begins on Wednesday, September 18 and ends on Wednesday, November 20. The class is from 7pm-8:30pm in the Parish Cebelak Hall. About the Sessions: This practical study of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will cover an introduction to the Church’s Liturgy but also a detailed and practical study of the symbols of the Traditional Roman Rite of the Mass. While studying the Ancient Rite of the Church those taking the class will come to a deeper understanding of exactly how the Mass passes on the Faith we profess. Cost: NONE. Class materials will be provided. How to register: Please contact the parish office at or contact Michael Tober; Director of Religious Education via email at

Mass Class Flyer

Join us for Family First Saturday each First Saturday of the year.12am - 7:30am Adoration7:30 Benediction7:45 Mass & Confessions8:30 Litany of the BVM and Holy Rosary9:00 Potluck Breakfast9:30 Catechesis. ... See MoreSee Less
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